Sunday, January 3, 2010

I can't stand this anymore!

Oh my..  It's that time again.. A new year.. A new opportunity to reflect on where you have been, where you are going, and where you would like to go..  Many times, people make resolutions.  Many times to be forgotten about all together within a few weeks.  I know I have.. Being successful at keeping them is something else entirely!   So I restrained myself from doing this so far this year, and gave myself some time to feel a resolution develop, rather than think of one..  Maybe this is the key to keeping it.  We'll see how it goes..

Last year, I probably lost my keys over 150 times.  I am not kidding.  Everyday it seemed as though I was saying, "has anyone seen my keys?' and then I spend another 15 minutes looking for them.  What a complete waste of time.  I jump in the car in a big hurry, speed to get wherever it is I am going, all the while thinking, "geez, I really need to get more organized.. this is ridiculous.."  So.. for me I think I will save a ton of time and have less risk getting tickets if I finally jump on the organization train.

Being organized is a state of mind.  I gotta friend guy friend who is a total nerd.  His apartment is always neat and clean and he is always lecturing to me about "everything having its own place."  So this blog is about taking his advice seriously and getting my life organized.

So yesterday, I started in my kitchen.  With his help, I "decluttered" my kitchen cabinets and drawers.  I deeply resented the work, because I felt so overwhelmed.  I struggled with letting go of lids that did not have bowls, souvenier cups from local venues, and food that was no longer within date, etc.  We did it, and today I woke up today feeling a little less scattered.

Oh, and at the moment of this post, my keys are hanging on a lanyard on the garage door.  Every time I publish a new post here, I will make a point to disclose the location of my keys.  Wish me luck! 

Join in on the organization fun and give me tips on how to get organized, decide to become organized and inspire me with your ideas, or share your scattered stories or comments.